Tuesday, June 9, 2009

DAN! (Defeat Autism Now!) in Boise, Idaho!

I am so excited to let you know that I completed the Level 1 DAN! (Defeat Autism Now!) clinician training and plan to attend Level 2 in November 2009. I am looking forward to helping you recover your child -- there IS hope! So many children have responded so positively to the Defeat Autism Now approach. And now there is finally a local DAN! doctor to help out. You can reach our office at 208-888-5951.

Don't wait! Get started today!

Check out our website: www.drdevelle.com or www.balancedbodychiro.net. (Because of our new focus on internal medicine and ASD, we are changing our name to Alternative Medicine and Diagnostic Center.)

I look forward to meeting you!
Dr. Develle

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tips for Healthy Skin Glow

When you have dry skin, it's a sign that you could
be low in a few essential nutrients. I’d like to
highlight “Tips for a Healthy Skin Glow.”
Increase fruits and vegetables to 10 servings a
day: this will supply fiber for healthy bowel
movements as well as provide additional antioxidants
that will scavenge free radicals that have
been shown to cause wrinkles.
Drink ½ your weight in ounces of water. A 180
pound person would drink a minimum of 90
ounces of water every day.
Movement. We need exercise to flush the lymph
system every day. Movement is truly one of the
great anti-aging factors we have at our disposal.
The right amount of perspiration begins the process
of removing plasticizer residues found in our
food as well as heavy metals.
Dry Skin Brushing. Before every shower, brush
off the dead skin with a dry brush or cotton towel.
Assess the gall bladder, especially if fatty foods
make the patient nauseous.
Check for thyroid health if fatigue and hair loss is
a big part of your clinical picture.
Oil the skin from the inside out by adding extra
healthy oils to the diet: avocados, coconut oil,
and olive oil should be staples for a diet daily.
My current favorite oil both internally and externally
is Mixed EFAs by Biotics Research,
1-2 tablespoons per day. This product was developed
by Dr. Gary Lasneski to improve cell
membrane integrity. Mixed EFAs provide
healthy plant oils like walnut seed oil, sesame
seed oil, apricot seed oil, and hazelnut seed oil.
Make sure you are supplementing a high quality
multivitamin mineral. We need some of
those trace minerals as co-factors to rid the
body of toxins and for optimal nutrition. We
especially need the co-factors to use our oils to
reduce inflammation naturally. My current favorite
is Pro Multi Plus from Biotics, 1-2 capsules
three times per day.
I also recommend salt and soda alkalizing
baths. Years ago I learned that one of the ways to rid the body of
excess acids is to use the salt and soda bath.
This is a great way to open pores and allow
metabolic acids to leave the body and rehydrate
the skin.
To the novice that may seem like a lot of
things to add to their schedule, but remember
these principles are also reducing your risk for
many other diseases. Optimal internal health
will soon manifest externally with that
“Healthy Glow”. As you implement
these tips, don’t get discouraged.
Skin is a result of many factors; and it may
take time for the results to show. The payoff
will come with healthier, younger looking skin.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hot or Cold?

Today I want to talk to you about a problem that presents itself in my office almost everyday. It is more common in women than in men. It is often undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, ignored or completely mistreated. What is it? Thyroid disorders, most often Hypothyroid (decreased thyroid function).

The thyroid gland is your body's metabolism regulator. At the proper setting, your body runs smoothly, efficiently and comfortably. Mess with it, and all havoc can break loose. Symptoms can vary from unexplained weight gain, fatigue, heavy menstrual cycles to fibrocystic breast changes.
Properly diagnosing thyroid disease requires testing of TSH, the active forms of T3 and T4 as well as a hormone called Reverse T3. Autoantibodies should also be tested to see if there is an autoimmune component. Unfortunately, too many patients are misdiagnosed because only the TSH test was run. TSH is a pituitary hormone, not a thyroid hormone and must be tested in conjunction with the other hormones.

Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid. Symptoms can include: always feeling cold, constipation, dry hair and skin, depression, muscle cramps, decreased sex drive, high cholesterol, loss of the outside third of the eyebrow and puffiness in the face. Hypothyroidism significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.

Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid. Symptoms can include: always feeling hot, feeling like you just want to jump out of your skin, anxiety, bulging eyes, lump or swelling around the throat, heart rate of 100 beats per minute or more, high blood pressure and unexplained weight loss.

It is important to note that thyroid problems can change over time and/or easily be confused with or masked by other conditions or medications.

The good news is that thyroid problems are often very manageable and/or fixable. Proper evaluation and diagnosis is essential for treatment to be effective. If you've had your thyroid tested and have been told that nothing is wrong, yet you still don't feel like you think you should, it may be time for a more thorough evaluation. We run a comprehensive array of tests to thoroughly evaluate thyroid function, with six of the most sensitive tests available. These tests will help us determine which course of action to take to improve your thyroid health.

If you or a loved one have any suspicion that you may have a thyroid disorder, don't delay setting up an appointment in our office. There are serious health threats to an untreated thyroid.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Welcome to my blog and thanks for visiting!

I hope to keep it updated with the information you ask me about the most. If there are any health questions you have, please feel free to share that with me.

Stay tuned!!